Essendon Royals embrace the Club Coach Coordinator Program

At Essendon Royals, we are committed to providing the best possible environment for players and coaches. On Wednesday night, the club hosted the Football Victoria’s Club Coach Coordinator (CCC) program for new and inexperienced coaches. This program ensures coaching sessions are safe, inclusive and fun for everyone.

Rob Taylor, CCC Program Manager at Football Victoria, said, “We had 25 coaches there. We went out onto the park and showed them how to keep the kids engaged, ensure they got over 250 touches per session, and structure those sessions.”

The CCC program supports coaches in many ways, from getting accredited with the MiniRoos program to online courses and resources. Rob stressed the importance of creating a positive and welcoming environment for players and coaches. “It was brilliant. I felt so welcome. There was lots of laughter, engagement, and discussion around the sessions,” he said.

A highlight of the day was the female participation. “The female participation was great; that’s what we want to improve. Seeing so many female coaches was great, and all the coaches had a good time,” Rob said.

During the practical session, all coaches learned how to structure a session and transition between exercises. Rob went through the four principles of play—1v1 defending, dribbling, finishing, passing, and receiving. He stressed the importance of making the sessions fun and engaging without laps and lines.

“We showed the coaches how to incorporate some of the exercises into their sessions with their kids and how to make it enjoyable for both coaches and players,” Rob said. After the practical session, there was a recap and Q&A where coaches could ask questions and share their experiences.

Michael Curcija, Technical Director at Essendon Royals, praised the session and the Royals coaches who participated. 

“Rob was great, and I’m sure all coaches took some good practical information away,” he said. 

“We have received some great resources we can share with all of our coaches, and it was great to see so many female coaches there. 

“We will look at getting more FV and Rob involvement moving forward.”

The CCC program offers Basic, Bronze, Silver, and Gold support packages. Each package provides different levels of support, from online resources to in-person club visits and coaching conferences. Essendon Royals have signed up for the Bronze package, which includes regular online catch-ups and access to coaching resources.

With 153 clubs involved, the CCC program focuses on supporting new and inexperienced coaches to deliver quality sessions that keep kids engaged and enjoying the game. Rob said, “CCC is all about supporting new and inexperienced coaches, providing 250 touches and more per session, 80% game time in the session, and bringing the community together.”

In addition to the structured support, there is a CCC Facebook page where coaches can connect, share experiences and access more resources. This program’s community aspect helps create a sense of belonging and ongoing learning for coaches.

The impact on coaches and players will be significant as Essendon Royals progresses. The knowledge and skills gained from these sessions will improve the quality of training sessions and help player development.

For more information about the CCC program or to get involved, contact Rob Taylor, CCC Program Manager, at

By participating in the CCC program, Essendon Royals invests in the future of coaches and players. We can’t wait for the results and a healthy and happy soccer community.