
Community Football: Registration Reminder

Essendon Royals Soccer Club advises all Community Football Program players and families of some important updates ahead of the 2022 season.


Essendon Royals advises that all players in our Community Football Program can now complete their registrations and pay the balance of their fees via the Play Football portal.

All Registrations must be finalised on Play Football.

If you have not already paid a deposit for Season 2022, then you can do so HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: Essendon Royals only processes DEPOSITS on our website. Registration must be finalised and paid for via Play Football.

Registrations must be finalised by April 15 for players to be registered in time for Round One.

Your registration fee also covers player insurance, so it is important that these fees are paid as soon as possible to ensure your players are covered by insurance for any pre-season training and practice matches that are taking place before the commencement of the season.

All coaches, team managers and other volunteers will also need to register via PlayFootball and will need to provide a Working With Children check as a part of the registration process.

A handy self-registration guide is available HERE.

If you need any assistance with this process, contact Club Registrar, David Rowan on registrar.royals@gmail.com


The club can also confirm that it will be holding a Gala Day on Sunday, 10 April at Cross Keys Reserve to celebrate the launch of the new season.

A range of friendly games have been arranged for the day (details for individual teams playing will be relayed via coaches and team managers), which will also be used for the delivery of 2022 Playing Kits for our teams.

The club is arranging special guests and the canteen will be fully operational ensuring a great day of fun for parents and players alike!