Essendon Royals has delivered the first session in a two-week pilot program for the Ascot Vale Heights School.
Pending the success of the program, the Royals hope to be able to provide an extended program to the wonderful students at Ascot Vale Heights School throughout the 2022 school year.
Ascot Vale Heights School (AVHS) is a small special school that has excellent facilities, programs and fantastic students. The teachers and education support staff are highly committed and experienced to deliver improved learning outcomes for all students.
The school is a state government school that is in close proximity to the city of Melbourne and caters for students that have a cognitive disability.

The school’s vision: “Every student, every day to be given the opportunity to be the best they can be”, is a key driver of all our work at Ascot Vale Heights School.
Students have comprehensive Individual Education Learning Plans and reports are provided to parents in June and December on the progress of the learning goals that have been established for the student.
Essendon Royals were alerted to the potential need for an additional sporting program at the school by our proud sponsors, Community Bank East Keilor, who connected the Royals committee with AVHS Principal, Colin Schott, and Assistant Principal, Megan Retallick.

On Thursday, Royals Head of Football Vaughan Coveny delivered the first session to almost 20 students, who thoroughly enjoyed a fun-filled session of skills and game play.
Each player was given an Essendon Royals jersey to keep and will be invited back for second session next week, in anticipation of an extended program in 2022.
Principal Schott said the program passed with flying colours.
“This is a game-changer for our kids,” Schott said.
“I’ve never seen them so engaged in a sport activity like soccer. The coach was fantastic and the provision of uniforms made it so that they felt special.
“It was a wonderful opportunity for the kids, so thanks to Essendon Royals for making it happen.”
Essendon Royals president Richard Di Sauro thanked the school for the opportunity to work with its students and Coveny for volunteering his time for the sessions.
“The Essendon Royals are always looking for ways to give back to our local community, and we are delighted to have had this opportunity to work with the wonderful people at Ascot Vale Heights School,” Di Sauro said.
“Thank you to our sponsors at Community Bank East Keilor for alerting us to the opportunity and thank you to all our sponsors, particularly our major partner Nicholas James Lawyers, whose support makes it possible for us to deliver these programs.
“Of course, a big thank you to Vaughan Coveny for being available to deliver these sessions.
“We look forward to continuing to work with Ascot Vale Heights School in 2022.”